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Class 12th biology 1st lesson reproduction in organism mcq question and answer

 1. Process of fusion of haploid cells is

a. Cell cycle

b. Meiosis

c. Mitosis

d. Syngamy

2. Maximum life span of dog is

a. 20 years

b. 15 years

c. 10 years

d. 5 years

3. Vegetative propagation occurs in mint through

a. Runners

b. Suckers

c. Offsets

d. Rhizome

4. Meiosis takes place in

a. Megaspore

b. Meiocytes

c. Coindia

d. Gemmules

5. Flowers are unisexual in

a. Pea

b. Cucumber

c. C.China rose

d. Onion

6. Asexual reproduction through formation of gemmule occurs in

a. Ascidia

b. Hydra

c. Planaria d. Spongilla

7. Which of the following flowers only once in the lifetime.

a. Mango

a. Jackfruit

b. Bamboo species

c. Papaya

8. In some plants the female and gamale develops into embryo without fertilization the phenomenon is

known as

a. Autogami

b. Parthenocarpy

c. Syngamy

d. Parthenogenesis.

9. Which of the following organism is hermaphrodite

a. Cockroach

b. Earthworm

c. Frog

d. Housefly

10. Read the following statements and select the incorrect one.

a. Cucurbits and coconuts are Monoecious Plants.

b. Papayas and date palms are dioecious plants

c. Leeches and tapeworms are bisexuals animals.

d. Sponges and coelenterates are unisexual animal.

11. A diploid parent plant body produces ……..gametes and haploid parent plant body produces ……..


a. Diploid, haploid

b. Haploid, diploid

c. Diploid, diploid

d. Haploid,haploid.

12 In Maize, a meiocyte has 20 chromosomes what will be the number of chromosomes in somatic cell

a. 40

b. 30

c. 20

d. 10

13.In flowering plants, both male and female gametes are non-motile the method to bring them together

for fertilization is

a. Water

b. Air

c. Pollination

d. Apomixis.

14. The wall of the ovary forms

a. Pericarp

b. Fruit wall

c. Fruit

d. Both a and b.

15.Appearance of vegetative propagules from the nodes of plants such as sugarcane is mainly because -

a. Nodes are shorter than internodes

b. B. Nodes have meristematic cells

c. C. Nodes are located near the soil

d. D.Nodes have non-photosynthetic cells.

16.There is no natural death in unicellular organism because

a. They cannot reproduce sexually

b. B.they reproduce by binary fission

c. Parental body is distributed among the offspring.

d. They are microscopic

17. There are various types of reproduction. The type of reproduction adopted by an organism depends


a. The habitat and morphology of the organism.

b. Morphology of the organism

c. Morphology and physiology of the organism

d. The organism's habitat,physiology and genetic makeup

18. Which of the following is a post fertilization event in flowering plants

a. Transfer of Pollen grains

b. Embryo development

c. Formation of flowers 

d. Formation of pollen grains

19. The growth phase of an organism before attaining sexual maturity is referred to￾a. Juvenile Phase

b. Vegetative phase

c. Both a and b

d. None of these.

20. Clear cut vegetative, reproductive senescent phases cannot be observed in

a. Annual plant

b. Perennial plants

c. Biennial plants

d. Ephemeral plants

21. Strobilanthus kunthiana flowers once in

a. 5 years

b. 12 years

c. 50 years

d. 20 years

22. Oestrous cycle is reported in

a. Cows and sheep

b. Humans and monkeys

c. Chimpanzees and Gorillas

d. None of these

23 Which of the following animals show menstrual cycle?

a. Gorilla and chimpanzees

b. Monkeys and humans

c. Orangutans and monks

d. All of these

24. Senescent phase of an organism’s life span can be recognised by

a. Slow metabolism

b. Cessation of reproduction

c. Decreased immunity

d. All of these.

25. If a fungal thallus has both male and female reproductive structure it will be called

a. Heterothallic

b. Homothallic

c. Dioecious

d. Monoccious

26 which of the following has the longest life.

a. Banyan tree

b. Tortoise

c. Parrot

d. Elephant.

27. ………. Is a life process that is not essential for an individual’s Survival but for survival of species￾a. Growth

b. Reproduction

c. Respiration

d. Nutrition.

28. Which one of the following processes results in the formation of clones of bacteria.?

a. Regeneration

b. Budding

c. Binary fission

d. Fragmentation.

29. Asexual reproduction is seen in members of kingdom￾a. Monera

b. Plantae

c. Animalia

d. All of these.

30. Which of the following is not used for vegetative propagation?

a. Bud

b. Bulbil

c. Turion

d. Anthezoid.

31. Development of new individual from female gamete without fertilization is termed as

a. Syngamy

b. Embryogenesis

c. Oogamy

d. Parthenogenesis

32.Deposition of a calcareous shell around Zygote occurs in.

a. Birds and reptiles

b. Birds and mammals

c. Mammals and reptiles

d. All of these.

33. Select the option which shows Viviparous animals only.-

a. Lizard, Turtle

b. Platypus, crocodile

c. Cow, crocodile

d. Whale, mouse.

34 off springs of oviparous animals are at greater risk of survival as compared to viviparous animals


a. Proper embryonic care and protection is absent

b. Embryo does not develop completely

c. Progenies are of smaller size

d. Genetic variations do not occur.

35. Fleshy buds produced in the axil of leaves, which grow to form New plants when shed and fall on

ground are called￾a. Bulbs

b. Bulbils

c. Tuber

d. Offsets


1.D , 2.A , 3.B , 4.B , 5.B , 6.D,   7.C , 8.B , 9.B , 10.D,   11.D , 12.C,   13.C , 14.D , 15.B

16.C,   17.D,   18.B ,  19.C,   20.B , 21.B , 22.A,    23.D , 24.D , 25.B,     26.A,      27.B,    28.C , 29.D

30.D , 31.D,     32.A , 33.D , 34.A , 35.B

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